!!!###!!!title=Gantt Chart Interaction - Drag Table Width——VisActor/VChart demo!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=Guid: https://visactor.io/vtable/guide/gantt/Getting_Started. This example demonstrates how to make the width of the left task information table in the Gantt chart draggable. When the configuration item `frame.verticalSplitLineMoveable` is set to `true`, the vertical split line of the left task information table can be dragged. If you want to highlight the color of the vertical split line when hovering, you can configure `frame.verticalSplitLineHighlight`. To limit the range of the drag width, you can configure `listTable.minWidth` and `listTable.maxWidth`.!!!###!!!

Gantt Chart Interaction - Drag Table Width

Gantt Chart


Guid: https://visactor.io/vtable/guide/gantt/Getting_Started.

This example demonstrates how to make the width of the left task information table in the Gantt chart draggable. When the configuration item frame.verticalSplitLineMoveable is set to true, the vertical split line of the left task information table can be dragged. If you want to highlight the color of the vertical split line when hovering, you can configure frame.verticalSplitLineHighlight. To limit the range of the drag width, you can configure listTable.minWidth and listTable.maxWidth.
