!!!###!!!title=128- How to achieve overlap of bar chart data in the same dimension rather than stacking——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=---title: 0. How to achieve a bar chart similar to the stacked column chart</br>key words: VisActor,VChart,VTable,VStrory,VMind,VGrammar,VRender,Visualization,Chart,Data,Table,Graph,Gis,LLM--- !!!###!!!


How to achieve a bar chart similar to the stacked column chart


Seemly to https://www.visactor.io/vchart/demo/bar-chart/stack-column, how to make bars of different colors start from the y-axis zero scale and overlap with each other rather than stacking vertically?


The solution varies depending on the chart library being used. Based on the provided demo, you simply need to set the corresponding field to false in order to disable stacking.

Code Example

const spec = {
  type: 'bar',
  data: [
      id: 'barData',
      values: [
          State: 'WY',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 25635
          State: 'WY',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 1890
          State: 'WY',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 9314
          State: 'DC',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 30352
          State: 'DC',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 20439
          State: 'DC',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 10225
          State: 'VT',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 38253
          State: 'VT',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 42538
          State: 'VT',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 15757
          State: 'ND',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 51896
          State: 'ND',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 67358
          State: 'ND',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 18794
          State: 'AK',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 72083
          State: 'AK',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 85640
          State: 'AK',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 22153
  xField: 'State',
  yField: 'Population',
  seriesField: 'Age',
  stack: false,
  legends: {
    visible: true
  bar: {
    // The state style of bar
    state: {
      hover: {
        stroke: '#000',
        lineWidth: 1


Online demo:https://codesandbox.io/s/bar-chart-stack-false-cr6667

Stacked Bar Chart Demo:https://www.visactor.io/vchart/demo/bar-chart/stack-column
Bar Chart Tutorial:https://www.visactor.io/vchart/guide/tutorial_docs/Chart_Types/Bar
Related api:https://www.visactor.io/vchart/option/barChart#stack