!!!###!!!title=178- How to set different fill colors based on groups in a radar chart——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=---title: How to set different fill colors for different groups in a radar chart?</br>key words: VisActor,VChart,VTable,VStrory,VMind,VGrammar,VRender,Visualization,Chart,Data,Table,Graph,Gis,LLM--- !!!###!!!

Question Title

How to set different fill colors for different groups in a radar chart?

Question Description

As shown in the figure, the radar chart has multiple groups. Can different fill colors be set for different groups?


All VChart graphical elements support functional styles, which allow you to define custom functions to return different fill colors based on the data in the style.

Code Examples

const spec = {
  type: 'radar',
  data: [
      values: [
          month: 'Jan.',
          value: 45,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Feb.',
          value: 61,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Mar.',
          value: 92,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Apr.',
          value: 57,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'May.',
          value: 46,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Jun.',
          value: 36,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Jul.',
          value: 33,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Aug.',
          value: 63,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Sep.',
          value: 57,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Oct.',
          value: 53,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Nov.',
          value: 69,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Dec.',
          value: 40,
          type: 'A'
          month: 'Jan.',
          value: 31,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Feb.',
          value: 39,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Mar.',
          value: 81,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Apr.',
          value: 39,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'May.',
          value: 64,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Jun.',
          value: 21,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Jul.',
          value: 58,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Aug.',
          value: 72,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Sep.',
          value: 47,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Oct.',
          value: 37,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Nov.',
          value: 80,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Dec.',
          value: 74,
          type: 'B'
          month: 'Jan.',
          value: 90,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Feb.',
          value: 95,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Mar.',
          value: 62,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Apr.',
          value: 52,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'May.',
          value: 74,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Jun.',
          value: 87,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Jul.',
          value: 80,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Aug.',
          value: 69,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Sep.',
          value: 74,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Oct.',
          value: 84,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Nov.',
          value: 94,
          type: 'C'
          month: 'Dec.',
          value: 23,
          type: 'C'
  categoryField: 'month',
  valueField: 'value',
  seriesField: 'type',
  area: {
    visible: true,
    style: {
      fill: (datum, ctx) => {
        return datum.type === 'A' ? ctx.seriesColor(datum.type): false;
  axes: [
      orient: 'radius',
      min: 0,
      domainLine: {
        visible: true
      label: {
        visible: true
      grid: {
        smooth: true
      orient: 'angle',
      tick: {
        visible: false
      grid: {
        style: {
          lineDash: [0]
  legends: {
    visible: true,
    orient: 'top'

const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID });

// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY!
window['vchart'] = vchart;</br>

Result Presentation