!!!###!!!title=181- How to format the tooltip in a VChart radar chart——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=---title: 95. How to format Tooltip in Radar charts, using VChart?</br>key words: VisActor,VChart,VTable,VStrory,VMind,VGrammar,VRender,Visualization,Chart,Data,Table,Graph,Gis,LLM--- !!!###!!!


How to format Tooltip in Radar charts?


The data in the chart contains very long strings, and in this case, the default tooltip display effect is not good, so its display effect needs to be optimized.


Solutions to different chart libraries vary. The tooltip component in VChart allows users to custom configure both key and value, providing the flexibility to customize the tooltip information of chart elements and dimensions.
In long-text scenarios, typically only the formatting capabilities are needed to format the indicators and abbreviate the dimensions.

  • Configure tooltip.mark.content to format the value and key in the chart element's tooltip respectively.
  • Configure tooltip.dimension.content to format the value and key in the dimension's tooltip respectively.

Code Example

import { StrictMode, useEffect } from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
const root = createRoot(rootElement);

import VChart from "@visactor/vchart";

const App = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    const spec = {
      type: "radar",
      data: [
          values: [
              month: "Jan.",
              value: 45,
              type: "A",
              month: "Feb.",
              value: 61,
              type: "A",
              month: "Mar.",
              value: 92,
              type: "A",
              month: "Apr.",
              value: 57,
              type: "A",
              month: "May.",
              value: 46,
              type: "A",
              month: "Jun.",
              value: 36,
              type: "A",
              month: "Jul.",
              value: 33,
              type: "A",
              month: "Aug.",
              value: 63,
              type: "A",
              month: "Sep.",
              value: 57,
              type: "A",
              month: "Oct.",
              value: 53,
              type: "A",
              month: "Nov.",
              value: 69,
              type: "A",
              month: "Dec.",
              value: 40,
              type: "A",
              month: "Jan.",
              value: 31,
              type: "B",
              month: "Feb.",
              value: 39,
              type: "B",
              month: "Mar.",
              value: 81,
              type: "B",
              month: "Apr.",
              value: 39,
              type: "B",
              month: "May.",
              value: 64,
              type: "B",
              month: "Jun.",
              value: 21,
              type: "B",
              month: "Jul.",
              value: 58,
              type: "B",
              month: "Aug.",
              value: 72,
              type: "B",
              month: "Sep.",
              value: 47,
              type: "B",
              month: "Oct.",
              value: 37,
              type: "B",
              month: "Nov.",
              value: 80,
              type: "B",
              month: "Dec.",
              value: 74,
              type: "B",
              month: "Jan.",
              value: 90,
              type: "C",
              month: "Feb.",
              value: 95,
              type: "C",
              month: "Mar.",
              value: 62,
              type: "C",
              month: "Apr.",
              value: 52,
              type: "C",
              month: "May.",
              value: 74,
              type: "C",
              month: "Jun.",
              value: 87,
              type: "C",
              month: "Jul.",
              value: 80,
              type: "C",
              month: "Aug.",
              value: 69,
              type: "C",
              month: "Sep.",
              value: 74,
              type: "C",
              month: "Oct.",
              value: 84,
              type: "C",
              month: "Nov.",
              value: 94,
              type: "C",
              month: "Dec.",
              value: 23,
              type: "C",
      categoryField: "month",
      valueField: "value",
      seriesField: "type",
      stack: true,
      percent: true,
      area: {
        visible: true, // show area
      axes: [
          orient: "radius",
          min: 0,
          domainLine: {
            visible: true,
          label: {
            visible: true,
            formatMethod: (val) => {
              return val * 100 + "%";
          grid: {
            smooth: false,
            style: {
              lineDash: [0],
          orient: "angle",
          tick: {
            visible: false,
          domainLine: {
            visible: false,
          grid: {
            style: {
              lineDash: [0],
      legends: {
        visible: true,
        orient: "top",
      tooltip: {
        mark: {
          title: {
            value: "Mark Title",
          content: [
              key: "key",
              value: "value",
              key: (datum) => `${datum.type}-${datum.month}`,
              value: (datum) => `${datum.value.toFixed(2)} k`,
        dimension: {
          title: {
            value: "Dimension Radar Title",
          content: [
              key: "key",
              value: "value",
              key: (datum) => `${datum.type}-${datum.month}`,
              value: (datum) => `${datum.value.toFixed(2)} k`,

    const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: "chart" });

    return () => {
  }, []);

  return <div id="chart" style={{ width: 400 }}></div>;

    <App />


Online Demo: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/vchart-pie-ordinal-color-forked-xpvnrq

Tooltip API: https://visactor.io/vchart/option/barChart#tooltip.mark.content(Object%7CObject%5B%5D)
Github: https://github.com/VisActor/VChart