!!!###!!!title=69- How to select only the current item when clicking a legend——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=---title: 86. How to achieve only selecting the current item when clicking on the legend?</br>key words: VisActor,VChart,VTable,VStrory,VMind,VGrammar,VRender,Visualization,Chart,Data,Table,Graph,Gis,LLM--- !!!###!!!

Question title

How to implement VChart to only select the current item when clicking on a legend?

Problem description

When clicking on the legend, can you change to select the current item and not select other items?


VChart supports configuring legend selection mode, including single selection mode

legends: {
    orient: 'right',
    selectMode: 'single', // Configure legend selection mode
    defaultSelected: ['Type D'],
    title: {
      visible: true,
      text: 'Single Select'

Code example

const data = [
    name: 'Type A',
    value: 33934,
    year: 2010
    name: 'Type A',
    value: 52503,
    year: 2011
    name: 'Type A',
    value: 57177,
    year: 2012
    name: 'Type A',
    value: 69658,
    year: 2013
    name: 'Type A',
    value: 97031,
    year: 2014
    name: 'Type A',
    value: 119931,
    year: 2015
    name: 'Type A',
    value: 137133,
    year: 2016
    name: 'Type A',
    value: 154175,
    year: 2017
    name: 'Type B',
    value: 24916,
    year: 2010
    name: 'Type B',
    value: 24064,
    year: 2011
    name: 'Type B',
    value: 29742,
    year: 2012
    name: 'Type B',
    value: 29851,
    year: 2013
    name: 'Type B',
    value: 32490,
    year: 2014
    name: 'Type B',
    value: 30282,
    year: 2015
    name: 'Type B',
    value: 38121,
    year: 2016
    name: 'Type B',
    value: 40434,
    year: 2017
    name: 'Type C',
    value: 11744,
    year: 2010
    name: 'Type C',
    value: 17722,
    year: 2011
    name: 'Type C',
    value: 16005,
    year: 2012
    name: 'Type C',
    value: 19771,
    year: 2013
    name: 'Type C',
    value: 20185,
    year: 2014
    name: 'Type C',
    value: 24377,
    year: 2015
    name: 'Type C',
    value: 32147,
    year: 2016
    name: 'Type C',
    value: 39389,
    year: 2017
    name: 'Type D',
    value: null,
    year: 2010
    name: 'Type D',
    value: null,
    year: 2011
    name: 'Type D',
    value: 7988,
    year: 2012
    name: 'Type D',
    value: 12169,
    year: 2013
    name: 'Type D',
    value: 15112,
    year: 2014
    name: 'Type D',
    value: 22452,
    year: 2015
    name: 'Type D',
    value: 34400,
    year: 2016
    name: 'Type D',
    value: 34227,
    year: 2017
    name: 'Other',
    value: 12908,
    year: 2010
    name: 'Other',
    value: 5948,
    year: 2011
    name: 'Other',
    value: 8105,
    year: 2012
    name: 'Other',
    value: 11248,
    year: 2013
    name: 'Other',
    value: 8989,
    year: 2014
    name: 'Other',
    value: 11816,
    year: 2015
    name: 'Other',
    value: 18274,
    year: 2016
    name: 'Other',
    value: 18111,
    year: 2017
const spec = {
  type: 'line',
  data: [
      id: 'line',
      values: data
  xField: 'year',
  yField: 'value',
  seriesField: 'name',
  legends: {
    orient: 'right',
    selectMode: 'single', // Configure legend selection mode
    defaultSelected: ['Type D'],
    title: {
      visible: true,
      text: 'Single Select'
  axes: [
      orient: 'left',
      label: {
        inside: true,
        space: 2,
        style: {
          textBaseline: 'bottom',
          textAlign: 'start',
          fontWeight: 'bold'
      tick: {
        visible: false
      domainLine: {
        visible: false
      title: {
        visible: true,
        text: 'Axis Title'

const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID });

// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY!
window['vchart'] = vchart;</br>

Results show