It is not only a fully functional graph visualization library, but also an explorer of data relationships.
!!!###!!!title=70-How can line and bar charts be displayed at the same time——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!
How can line and bar charts be displayed at the same time?
Question Description
As shown in the picture, I want to add a chart like this to my product, pv is shown in line chart uv is shown in bar chart, how should I implement it?
At first, I thought you were trying to make a dual-axis chart, and upon closer inspection I realized that you weren't. A dual-axis chart will have one axis on the left and right sides of the chart, and what you really need is a combined chart, which renders multiple series in a single coordinate system.
Not all chart libraries support multi-series plotting. Here I use VChart as an example:
Just specify the two series as bar and line, and choose common for the chart type.