Does the tooltip support custom double-line display content?
Problem Description
I would like to ask if vchart’s pie chart tooltip supports custom two-line display content? Currently, according to the documentation of vchart, I can set the title and content of the tooltip, but it seems that it only supports displaying the content of one piece of the pie chart, and this piece does not seem to be supported in the mini program? Do I need to listen for callbacks?
VChart Tooltip can configure multiple content contents to display more prompt information:
tooltip: {
dimension: {
content: [
key: 'value',
value: (datum) => datum.value,
key: 'country',
value: (datum) => datum.country,
Code Example
const markLineValue = 10000;
const spec = {
type: 'line',
data: {
values: [
{ type: 'Nail polish', country: 'Africa', value: 4229 },
{ type: 'Nail polish', country: 'EU', value: 4376 },
{ type: 'Nail polish', country: 'China', value: 3054 },
{ type: 'Nail polish', country: 'USA', value: 12814 },
{ type: 'Eyebrow pencil', country: 'Africa', value: 3932 },
{ type: 'Eyebrow pencil', country: 'EU', value: 3987 },
{ type: 'Eyebrow pencil', country: 'China', value: 5067 },
{ type: 'Eyebrow pencil', country: 'USA', value: 13012 },
{ type: 'Rouge', country: 'Africa', value: 5221 },
{ type: 'Rouge', country: 'EU', value: 3574 },
{ type: 'Rouge', country: 'China', value: 7004 },
{ type: 'Rouge', country: 'USA', value: 11624 },
{ type: 'Lipstick', country: 'Africa', value: 9256 },
{ type: 'Lipstick', country: 'EU', value: 4376 },
{ type: 'Lipstick', country: 'China', value: 9054 },
{ type: 'Lipstick', country: 'USA', value: 8814 },
{ type: 'Eyeshadows', country: 'Africa', value: 3308 },
{ type: 'Eyeshadows', country: 'EU', value: 4572 },
{ type: 'Eyeshadows', country: 'China', value: 12043 },
{ type: 'Eyeshadows', country: 'USA', value: 12998 },
{ type: 'Eyeliner', country: 'Africa', value: 5432 },
{ type: 'Eyeliner', country: 'EU', value: 3417 },
{ type: 'Eyeliner', country: 'China', value: 15067 },
{ type: 'Eyeliner', country: 'USA', value: 12321 },
{ type: 'Foundation', country: 'Africa', value: 13701 },
{ type: 'Foundation', country: 'EU', value: 5231 },
{ type: 'Foundation', country: 'China', value: 10119 },
{ type: 'Foundation', country: 'USA', value: 10342 },
{ type: 'Lip gloss', country: 'Africa', value: 4008 },
{ type: 'Lip gloss', country: 'EU', value: 4572 },
{ type: 'Lip gloss', country: 'China', value: 12043 },
{ type: 'Lip gloss', country: 'USA', value: 22998 },
{ type: 'Mascara', country: 'Africa', value: 18712 },
{ type: 'Mascara', country: 'EU', value: 6134 },
{ type: 'Mascara', country: 'China', value: 10419 },
{ type: 'Mascara', country: 'USA', value: 11261 }
stack: false,
xField: 'type',
yField: 'value',
seriesField: 'country',
lineLabel: { visible: true },
legends: [{ visible: true, position: 'middle', orient: 'bottom' }],
point: {
style: {
opacity: 0
state: {
dimension_hover: {
opacity: 1,
size: 10,
lineWidth: 2,
stroke: {
scale: 'color',
field: 'country'
fill: 'white'
markLine: [
y: markLineValue,
endSymbol: {
visible: false
line: {
style: {
stroke: 'orange',
lineWidth: 2
tooltip: {
dimension: {
content: [
key: 'value',
value: (datum) => datum.value,
key: 'country',
value: (datum) => datum.country,
const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID });
// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY!
window['vchart'] = vchart;</br>