!!!###!!!title=Drop Down Menu——VisActor/VTable demo!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=In this example, the dropDownMenu is configured in the first column of columns, and when hovered to the header cell, a drop-down menu is displayed for further operation. At the same time through monitoring`click_cell`Event, when the mouse clicks the order icon in the first column, the interface showDropDownMenu is called to display the drop-down menu. To continue the operation according to the item clicked on the drop-down menu, you can listen to the event dropdownmenu_click.!!!###!!!

Drop Down Menu


In this example, the dropDownMenu is configured in the first column of columns, and when hovered to the header cell, a drop-down menu is displayed for further operation. At the same time through monitoringclick_cellEvent, when the mouse clicks the order icon in the first column, the interface showDropDownMenu is called to display the drop-down menu. To continue the operation according to the item clicked on the drop-down menu, you can listen to the event dropdownmenu_click.
