!!!###!!!title=Pivot analysis table drill down and drill up——VisActor/VTable demo!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=Add the drillDown configuration item to the dimension configuration rows or columns to display the download button, listen to the icon button click event `drillmenu_click`, determine whether to drill down or roll up the dimension according to the event parameter `drillDown` or `drillUp`, determine the dimension to drill down or drill up according to the parameter `dimensionKey`, add or delete it to rows or columns, obtain the data source corresponding to the new dimension level, and call the interface `updateOption` to update the new option to the table. In the demo example below, if you hover the mouse over the row dimension, a drill-down button will appear. Clicking it will add `Sub-Category` to the row dimension.!!!###!!!

Pivot analysis table drill down and drill up


Add the drillDown configuration item to the dimension configuration rows or columns to display the download button, listen to the icon button click event drillmenu_click, determine whether to drill down or roll up the dimension according to the event parameter drillDown or drillUp, determine the dimension to drill down or drill up according to the parameter dimensionKey, add or delete it to rows or columns, obtain the data source corresponding to the new dimension level, and call the interface updateOption to update the new option to the table.

In the demo example below, if you hover the mouse over the row dimension, a drill-down button will appear. Clicking it will add Sub-Category to the row dimension.
