!!!###!!!title=30. In the VTable integrated VChart chart scene, how to deal with the truncation of dots at the edge?——VisActor/VTable FAQ documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=---title: 8. In the VTable integrated VChart chart scene, how to deal with the truncation of dots at the edge?</br>key words: VisActor,VChart,VTable,VStrory,VMind,VGrammar,VRender,Visualization,Chart,Data,Table,Graph,Gis,LLM--- !!!###!!!


In the VTable integrated VChart chart scene, how to deal with the truncation of dots at the edge?


In the VTable integrated VChart chart scenario, how to avoid the edge points being truncated when drawing points on the chart.


Configure innerOffset on the axes axis. After adding it as above, there will be a certain distance between the elements on the chart and the edge of the table.

Code Example

const option = {
  axes: [
            orient: 'left',
            type: 'linear',
            innerOffset: {
              top: 4,
              bottom: 4,
            orient: 'bottom',
            type: 'band',
            innerOffset: {
              left: 4,
              right: 4,

const tableInstance = new VTable.ListTable(container, option);</br>


Online effect reference:https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/table-type/pivot-chart-scatter

Related api:https://visactor.io/vtable/option/PivotTable#axes