!!!###!!!title=68- Is there a way to deselect all line chart contents currently set to display by default (e.g., a button to hide all)——VisActor/VChart FAQ documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=---title: 101. The content displayed in the line chart is currently all selected by default. Is it possible to have a channel inversion (for example, there is a button that is not displayed with one click)?</br>key words: VisActor,VChart,VTable,VStrory,VMind,VGrammar,VRender,Visualization,Chart,Data,Table,Graph,Gis,LLM--- !!!###!!!


The content displayed in the line chart is currently all selected and displayed by default. Is it possible to have a channel inversion (for example, there is a button that is not displayed with one click)?


Chart legend can be selected all or not all.


You can configure the legends.defaultSelected parameter to an empty array: [] , restore to all selected words, delete this parameter or copy the full amount of legend items.

Code Example

const spec = {
  type: 'area',
  data: {
    values: [
      { type: 'Nail polish', country: 'Africa', value: 4229 },
      { type: 'Nail polish', country: 'EU', value: 4376 },
      { type: 'Nail polish', country: 'China', value: 3054 },
      { type: 'Nail polish', country: 'USA', value: 12814 },
      { type: 'Eyebrow pencil', country: 'Africa', value: 3932 },
      { type: 'Eyebrow pencil', country: 'EU', value: 3987 },
      { type: 'Eyebrow pencil', country: 'China', value: 5067 },
      { type: 'Eyebrow pencil', country: 'USA', value: 13012 },
      { type: 'Rouge', country: 'Africa', value: 5221 },
      { type: 'Rouge', country: 'EU', value: 3574 },
      { type: 'Rouge', country: 'China', value: 7004 },
      { type: 'Rouge', country: 'USA', value: 11624 },
      { type: 'Lipstick', country: 'Africa', value: 9256 },
      { type: 'Lipstick', country: 'EU', value: 4376 },
      { type: 'Lipstick', country: 'China', value: 9054 },
      { type: 'Lipstick', country: 'USA', value: 8814 },
      { type: 'Eyeshadows', country: 'Africa', value: 3308 },
      { type: 'Eyeshadows', country: 'EU', value: 4572 },
      { type: 'Eyeshadows', country: 'China', value: 12043 },
      { type: 'Eyeshadows', country: 'USA', value: 12998 },
      { type: 'Eyeliner', country: 'Africa', value: 5432 },
      { type: 'Eyeliner', country: 'EU', value: 3417 },
      { type: 'Eyeliner', country: 'China', value: 15067 },
      { type: 'Eyeliner', country: 'USA', value: 12321 },
      { type: 'Foundation', country: 'Africa', value: 13701 },
      { type: 'Foundation', country: 'EU', value: 5231 },
      { type: 'Foundation', country: 'China', value: 10119 },
      { type: 'Foundation', country: 'USA', value: 10342 },
      { type: 'Lip gloss', country: 'Africa', value: 4008 },
      { type: 'Lip gloss', country: 'EU', value: 4572 },
      { type: 'Lip gloss', country: 'China', value: 12043 },
      { type: 'Lip gloss', country: 'USA', value: 22998 },
      { type: 'Mascara', country: 'Africa', value: 18712 },
      { type: 'Mascara', country: 'EU', value: 6134 },
      { type: 'Mascara', country: 'China', value: 10419 },
      { type: 'Mascara', country: 'USA', value: 11261 }
  title: {
    visible: true,
    text: '100% stacked area chart of cosmetic products sales'
  percent: true,
  xField: 'type',
  yField: 'value',
  seriesField: 'country',
  legends: [
      visible: true, 
      position: 'middle', 
      orient: 'bottom',
      defaultSelected: []
  axes: [
      orient: 'left',
      label: {
        formatMethod(val) {
          return `${(val * 100).toFixed(2)}%`;

const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID });

// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY!
window['vchart'] = vchart;</br>
