!!!###!!!title=release——VisActor/VChart release changelog!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=2024-09-09**🆕 New feature** - **@visactor/vchart**: support axis break - **@visactor/vchart**: stackCornerRadius support callback. feat[#3164](https://github.com/VisActor/VChart/issues/3164) - **@visactor/vchart**: add `crossNodeAlign` to sankey **🐛 Bug fix** - **@visactor/vchart**: bind first axis to series but not last. fix[#3139](https://github.com/VisActor/VChart/issues/3139) - **@visactor/vchart**: crosshair won't update when switch theme - **@visactor/vchart**: wordcloud text overlap. fix[#3177](https://github.com/VisActor/VChart/issues/3177) - **@visactor/vchart**: fix zIndex of label in pie-chart **🔧 Configuration releated** - **@visactor/vchart**: clear state when updateSpec. fix[#3162](https://github.com/VisActor/VChart/issues/3162) [more detail about v1.12.4](https://github.com/VisActor/VChart/releases/tag/v1.12.4)!!!###!!!



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: support axis break
  • @visactor/vchart: stackCornerRadius support callback. feat#3164
  • @visactor/vchart: add crossNodeAlign to sankey

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: bind first axis to series but not last. fix#3139
  • @visactor/vchart: crosshair won't update when switch theme
  • @visactor/vchart: wordcloud text overlap. fix#3177
  • @visactor/vchart: fix zIndex of label in pie-chart

🔧 Configuration releated

  • @visactor/vchart: clear state when updateSpec. fix#3162

more detail about v1.12.4



🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: cannot disable label update animation by option.animation:false

more detail about v1.12.3



🆕 New feature

  • brush: add config to control zoom when brush empty data. close#2934
  • @visactor/vchart: support 'inside-center' label position in pie chart

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: rangeMode of scrollbar not work. fix#3147
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of barWidth, barMinWidth, barMaxWidth when value is null
  • @visactor/vchart: x brush filter not work. fix#3111
  • @visactor/vchart: indicator stop tooltip interactive. fix#3123
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of getCenter when layoutRadius is a customized function in radar
  • @visactor/vchart: media query causes incorrect render result, #3102
  • @visactor/vchart: normal animation not work since v1.12.0
  • @visactor/vchart: sankey scale update not work
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of sankey when some customized mark has name "node"
  • @visactor/vchart: fix dimension value of tooltip when has innerOffset, fix #2923
  • @visactor/vchart: vchart should not throw error when the values of series data is empty, fix #3082
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of updateSpec when array change
  • @visactor/vchart: wordcloud fill not update after updateSpec. fix#3122
  • @visactor/vchart: wordcloud scale update not work. fix#3129

🔨 Refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: refactor the parser of tooltip pattern

📖 Site / documentation update

  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue of treemap.label not shown in option pages, fix #2562
  • @visactor/vchart: update docs about circular progress, close #2987

more detail about v1.12.2



🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: x brush filter not work. fix #3111
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of getCenter when layoutRadius is a customized function in radar
  • @visactor/vchart: media query causes incorrect render result, #3102
  • @visactor/vchart: vchart should not throw error when the values of series data is empty, fix #3082

more detail about v1.12.1



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: marker's coordinates and positions property support callback
  • @visactor/vchart: support animationState config
  • @visactor/vchart: show evenly divided pie chart with showAllZero
  • @visactor/vchart: enable supportNegative option to treat negative values as absolute values
  • @visactor/vchart: support theme config by chart type
  • @visactor/vchart: support text shape of word-cloud
  • @visactor/vchart: add new chart mosaic chart
  • @visactor/vchart: support customized tick function of linear axis
  • @visactor/vchart: add emptyPlaceholder and emptyCircle for pie chart

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: y-axis is reverted after brush zoomin. fix #3089
  • @visactor/vchart: mark-point position type error fix

🔨 refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: refactor the graphics in linear-progress chart
  • @visactor/vchart: use label component to refactor sankey label
  • @visactor/vchart: stack can be required by need

🔖 other

  • @visactor/vchart: sequence support bottom axes. fix #2927

more detail about v1.12.0



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: support layoutRadius of pie

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix params of tickCount in linear-axis-mixin, fix #3053
  • @visactor/vchart: fix padding of region not work
  • @visactor/vchart: brush error after legend filter. fix#3061
  • @visactor/vchart: fix funnel chart color bug with different category and series fields
  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue with harmony event
  • @visactor/vchart: fix type error of react vchart, fix #3065
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip should show when chart has multiple regions
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue background of chart not updated, fix #3054
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the update of startAngle and endAngle in pie chart, fix #3059
  • @visactor/vchart: fix switch visible of legend, fix #3060

more detail about v1.11.12



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: label line support custom path. close#3000
  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade vrender to 0.19.20, to support catmullRom and catmullRomClosed curveType, related #2610

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix crosshair of histogram, fix #2826
  • @visactor/vchart: use vglobal.getElementById to replace document.getElementById
  • @visactor/vchart: liquid gradient not work after reverse
  • @visactor/vchart: add group mark to fix gradient color bug of liquid and add rect shape to fix rect symbol padding bug
  • @visactor/vchart: fix lockAfterClick of tooltip, related #1574
  • @visactor/vchart: prevent trigger original event in panEnd composite event #2931
  • @visactor/vchart: charts should not stack when only specify stackValue but stack is false, fix #3005
  • @visactor/vchart: updateData incorrect with datazoom, related #3041
  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue of updateSpec when visible of grid in axis change, fix #3004
  • @visactor/vchart: fix fontFamily when update theme, fix #3028
  • @visactor/vchart: fix:curveType monotone in seriesStyle not work

more detail about v1.11.11



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: liquid support reverse and target mark. close #2977 & close #2978
  • @visactor/vchart: add totalScale params in geo zoom event
  • @visactor/vchart: support geoZoomByIndex/geoZoomById API, close #2925
  • @visactor/vchart: marker label background support custom path. close #2959

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: prevent issue with ios bug while pointEvent is configed
  • @visactor/vchart: liquid gradient not work after reverse
  • @visactor/vchart: prevent trigger original event in zoomEnd composite event #2931
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of setDimentionIndex when dimension axis is linear

🔧 Configuration releated

  • @visactor/vchart: update rollup.config.js to fix es5/index.js, fix #2971

more detail about v1.11.10



🆕 New feature


🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix statistics confict of linear and discrete field, close #2926
  • @visactor/vchart: fix theme error of update spec
  • @visactor/vchart: fix update of label when udpate spec
  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug of polar point update aniamtion
  • @visactor/vchart: react attributes should support react 17
  • @visactor/vchart: fix height of link when set minNodeHeight of sankey

more detail about v1.11.9



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: support configuring callback function in indicator text style attributes, related #2540
  • @visactor/vchart: add options hideTimer in tooltip, to hide tooltip by timer
  • @visactor/vchart: support updateIndicatorDataById/updateIndicatorDataByIndex API, related #2776
  • @visactor/vchart: add userUpdateOptions to let user specify update type of charts, fix some animation bug

🐛 Bug fix

  • barbackground: datakey is undefined when set custom datakey fix#2908
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue where barMaxWidth does not work when barWidth is configured, fix#2885
  • @visactor/vchart: line/area clip animation by incorrect direction
  • crosshair: fix bug of crosshair position when legend filter data. fix fix#2905
  • @visactor/vchart: fix polar animation logic for radar charts
  • @visactor/vchart: type define fix

more detail about v1.11.7



🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: background of chart should support gradient color
  • animation: rose animation not work when update twice. fix#2856
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the type of ITooltipTheme, fix #2850
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of update animation not executed when updateSpec, #2835 #2836

more detail about v1.11.6



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: add option style.align of Tooltip, support RTL tooltip

  • 🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: optimize discrete legend pager color in dark theme, related #2654

  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue issue with stacked waterfall charts where positive and negative values were not stacked separately when there were both positive and negative values in the same stack, fix #2212

more detail about v1.11.5



🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug of updateSpec when has scales, close #2744
  • @visactor/vchart: gauge chart might throw error when the value is close to its maximum, fix #2783
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the behavior of the gauge pointer when it exceeds the axis range, fix #2780
  • @visactor/vchart: normal animation not work when appear animation is disabled, fix #2807
  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade vrender to 0.19.10, vgrammar to 0.13.9

more detail about v1.11.4



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: add option showBackgroundChart of DataZoom

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: bar chart should work normally when x-axis is linear, fix #2758
  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue of continuous legend filter in treemap
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the issue that the newly added component type could not take effect when updateSpec
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed setSelected of sankey chart, fix #2757 , fix #2765

more detail about v1.11.3



🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix the bug that animationThreshold not work, close #2745
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of update animation in area chart is not work
  • common: bar series support auto band size in common chart. fix#2704
  • @visactor/vchart: corsshair should hide when pointer out view, fix #2726
  • @visactor/vchart: close animation cause by datazoom/scrollbar
  • @visactor/vchart: `type-step` markLine's label should consider the refX/refY/dx/dy set by user, fixed#2739
  • react-vchart: fix the issue of <Axis /> that the props id not work
  • @visactor/vchart: polarAxis.grid.smooth not work in theme configuratio

🔧 Configuration releated

  • @visactor/vchart: when build es5 , targets of @babel/preset-env should be defaults, fix #2702

more detail about v1.11.2



🆕 New feature marker:mark-point support arc line and targetSymbol.close #2590 @visactor/vchart:add new options followTooltip to crosshair 🐛 Bug fix @visactor/vchart:fix the issue of missing defaultDataIndex in extensionMarks @visactor/vchart:fix error of empty spec, fix#1193 @visactor/vchart:fix the error caused by renderNextTick after release @visactor/vchart: layout-model should read layoutLevel in spec, and dont create layoutItem for hidden components, related#1674 @visactor/vchart:when marker's spec update, it should update when call vchart.updateSpec @visactor/vchart:fix effect of sampling when flush is true, fix #2272 @visactor/vchart:fix the api valueToPositionX and valueToPositionY of sankey @visactor/vchart: sankey should color by seriesField, fix#2678 @visactor/vchart:fix bug of setDimensionIndex when axis is linear @visactor/vchart:fix issue with import registerTTEnv @visactor/vchart:fix issue with taro tt env, closed#2648 @visactor/vchart:fix error of call updateFullDataSync() before renderSync(), fix #2655 📖 docs @visactor/vchart:add custom animate doc @visactor/vchart:perfect document for react-lynx-vchart

more detail about v1.11.1



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: support animation config of custom-mark
  • @visactor/vchart: legend should keep unselected when update spec or data, fix #2531, related #2443
  • marker: marker enhance about state and animation and support polar and geo axis. close#1165
  • marker: add interactive event listener of marker. close#2248
  • marker: add config about custom data of all relative series. close#2183
  • @visactor/vchart: support data update when spec is same in react-vchart
  • @visactor/vchart: support softMin and softMax in linear-axis, close #2498
  • @visactor/vchart: add new properties tooltipSpec and tooltipActual to tooltip event params, related #2454
  • @visactor/vchart: add othersLine to customize the the "Others" line content displayed after the tooltip content exceeds the maximum number of displayed lines
  • @visactor/vchart: the new chart type venn chart, related #2144
  • @visactor/vchart: enhanced capabilities for waterfall chart total label
  • @visactor/vchart: add api of clearState(), clearSelected(), clearHovered(), fix #2552
  • @visactor/vchart: support simplify.tolerance config in registerMap API

🐛 Bug fix

  • wordCloud: wordCloud layout error and color scale error when updateData. fix#2605'
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of position when update viewBox
  • scroll: scroll not work in ios. fix#1224
  • @visactor/vchart: fix range-column-chart spec
  • marker: fix mark point position about offset. fix#2579
  • @visactor/vchart: extension-mark should update when data is update
  • @visactor/vchart: duplicated categoryField data in funnel will result to unexpected rendering result
  • @visactor/vchart: the x-axis and y-axis of scatter can be band-axis
  • @visactor/vchart: vchart should not remake of same spec
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the problem that when the label of the sankey chart is hidden, an error will be reported when clicking on the blank space
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of scatter when the legend switch visible encode, close #2625
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the trigger off of default select interactions

🔨 Refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: react-vchart will require component by need by default
  • @visactor/vchart: remove built-in simplify data transform

🔧 Configuration releated

  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade dependencies

more detail about v1.11.0



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: enhanced capabilities for waterfall chart total label

🐛 Bug fix

  • wordCloud: wordCloud layout error and color scale error when updateData. fix #2605
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of position when update viewBox
  • scroll: scroll not work in ios. fix#1224
  • @visactor/vchart: fix range-column-chart spec
  • @visactor/vchart: duplicated categoryField data in funnel will result to unexpected rendering result
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the problem that when the label of the sankey chart is hidden, an error will be reported when clicking on the blank space
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of scatter when the legend switch visible encode, close #2625
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the trigger off of default select interactions

more detail about v1.10.6



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: player support play when hidden. feat#2524

🐛 Bug fix

  • datazoom: when drag start and end handler outside, min and max span not work. fix#2559
  • @visactor/vchart: fix domain of continuous legend when specify seriesId or seriesIndex
  • @visactor/vchart: fix eventsBinded update in react-vchart
  • scrollbar: label position not align with mark. fix#2534
  • scrollbar: enable bubble when scroll to boundary. fix#2521
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of update theme when series reduce

⚡ Performance optimization

  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the performance of pie chart, fix #2568

more detail about v1.10.5



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: increase chart stacking capabilities, provide stackSort to support sorting when stacking

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: axis unit in wrong position when hiding the axis domainLine
  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue of the order of data is not uniform in stack
  • @visactor/vchart: type defination of markArea & markPoint in common chart
  • @visactor/vchart: formatMethod of crosshair label runs multiple times (Tip: After fixing it, the process of retaining two decimal places in the crosshair label has been changed to the default formatMethod. After replacing the formatMethod, users will no longer retain decimal places), related #2501
  • @visactor/vchart: crosshair can't move when axis domain is very small, related #2492
  • @visactor/vchart: updateDataSync produces inconsistent results compared to direct drawing, related #2503

🔨 Refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: add event params vchart, which will updated in lifecycle events, close #2502

more detail about v1.10.4



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: support interaction events of element-select and element-highlight
  • @visactor/vchart: support showDefaultName in map chart to display unmatched name in map data

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip cliped if set border width. fix#2471
  • @visactor/vchart: lineWidth is invalid in rect-type-crosshair, related #2432
  • @visactor/vchart: should use series.getMarkInName to get the mark for total label's caculation, fixed #2448
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of event trigger count after updateSpecSync()
  • @visactor/vchart: map data will not show if not configured in nameMap
  • @visactor/vchart: axis label missing in the sampled angle axis, related #2439
  • @visactor/vchart: fix radar chart clipAngle animation error when loading on demand.
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the release order of _eventDispatcher
  • @visactor/vchart: should use series's _seriesMark to calculate total mark, not all series mark names are the same as series.type

more detail about v1.10.3



🆕 New feat

  • @visactor/vchart: support interaction events of element-select and element-highlight

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: lineWidth is invalid in rect-type-crosshair, related #2432
  • @visactor/vchart: should use series.getMarkInName to get the mark for total label's caculation, fixed #2448
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of event trigger count after updateSpecSync()
  • @visactor/vchart: fix radar chart clipAngle animation error when loading on demand.

more detail about v1.10.2



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: bar chart supports autoBandSize to automatically calculate bandSize based on the incoming configuration such as barWidth, thereby affecting the actual length of the axis, related #2268
  • @visactor/vchart: stacked bar chart supports the config stackCornerRadius to configure the corner radius of stacked bar groups, releated #2185
  • dataZoom: enhance when big data and brush releated
  • dataZoom: add sampler for preview chart
  • @visactor/vchart: support scrollbar in legend
  • @visactor/vchart: the theme of the legend supports separate configuration of different themes in different directions, related #2216
  • @visactor/vchart: react-vchart supports custom tooltip render, related #2288
  • @visactor/vchart: theme supports for configuring series themes in stack state, related #2331
  • @visactor/vchart: theme supports custom tokens, related #2255
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip supports the same lockAfterClick as crosshair, related #2352
  • @visactor/vchart: x & y of the tooltip position can be fixed separately, related #2320
  • @visactor/vchart: add more tooltip shape configs in tooltip.style of the chart spec, related #2292
  • @visactor/vchart: state style of arc marks support innerPadding and outerPadding, related #2038
  • @visactor/vchart: register hover/select interaction by default
  • @visactor/vchart: remove advanced interaction in simple bundle

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: enterable tooltip will not hide when mouse moves directly from the tooltip to a non-chart area, related #2315
  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade version of vgrammar to fix end state of animation
  • @visactor/vchart: tickMask is invalid in circular progress charts, related #2316
  • @visactor/vchart: rect crosshair should lock when lockAfterClick is true
  • @visactor/vchart: when region style is empty, should not create _backgroundMark or _foregroundMark
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the issue of being unable to listen to customMark events on vchart
  • @visactor/vchart: grid component should not be pickable expect its children
  • @visactor/vchart: events on <Bar /> should not trigged twice
  • @visactor/vchart: plugin should be released in release()

🔨 Refactor

  • react-vchart: refactor react-vchart to support render in strict mode

🔧 Configuration releated

  • @visactor/vchart: use rimraf to replace rm -rf

more detail about v1.10.0



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: support dataKey in CustomMark and ExtensionMark
  • @visactor/vchart: support mulity data in waterfal total dimensions

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: animationAppear: false not work
  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug that throws error when setting mark style to invlaid value
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of duplicate event registration, fixed #2336
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the issue of being unable to listen to label and totalLabel component events on vchart, vchart.on('click', { level: 'model', type: 'label' })
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize totoal label position when axis is inversed
  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade vrender to 0.17.27, vgrammar to 0.11.15
  • scrollbar: click stopped by zoomable. fix#2333

more detail about v1.9.6



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: support dataKey in CustomMark and ExtensionMark
  • @visactor/vchart: support mulity data in waterfal total dimensions

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: animationAppear: false not work
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize totoal label position when axis is inversed

more detail about v1.9.5



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: supply pie percent data as data._percent_

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: axis zero not work beacause of collect data. fix#2226
  • @visactor/vchart: marker area xy layout needs to deal with the problem of empty coordinate points
  • player: default attr leades to layout error. fix#241
  • @visactor/vchart: wordcloud support rect shape. fix#2220

more detail about v1.9.3



🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: bar label issue when position is 'inside-bottom' or 'inside-top'
  • @visactor/vchart: in block-vchart demo, the dpr acquisition method is wrong and needs to be obtained in real time
  • @visactor/vchart: series can read direction from chart spec, releated to #2181
  • @visactor/vchart: dataZoom min and max span does not effect, related #2195
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the problem that multi-layer axis labels are not displayed after closing tail labels, related #2179
  • @visactor/vchart: fix polar animation interpolation
  • @visactor/react-vchart: fix the error when onClick of <VChart /> is null, close #2186
  • @visactor/vchart: charts should not stack toggle when series has same type but differernt axes, related #2210
  • @visactor/vchart: there is some offset in the position of the dom tooltip shape, related #2188

🔧 Configuration releated

  • @visactor/vchart: add react-lynx doc

more detail about v1.9.2



🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: custom mark should run after all the series marks, fix #2156
  • @visactor/vchart: interactions should be closed by option.disableTriggerEvent
  • @visactor/vchart: in the case of multiple band axes in a chart, the same datum corresponds to multiple rows of dimension tooltip content, related #2148
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of vchart in strict-mode
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the zero-align of axes, fix #2167

more detail about v1.9.1



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: axis supports hasDimensionTooltip for force specification of dimension tooltip, related #1678
  • @visactor/vchart: triggerOff of crosshair support number to close crosshair by setTimeout, fix #1676
  • @visactor/vchart: the barBackground mark in the bar chart supports fieldLevel config to indicate whether the barBackground mark is displayed at the group level and at which level it is displayed, related #1601
  • @visactor/vchart: histogram chart supports bar background, related #1979
  • @visactor/vchart: support fitStrategy for indicator
  • liquid: liquid chart. close#1158
  • @visactor/vchart: band type axis supports multi-layer axis label display
  • @visactor/vchart: support separately configuring interactive for line/area mark in area chart, see #1592
  • @visactor/vchart: support stateSort of mark, fix #2003
  • @visactor/vchart: support customized vrender component in extensionMark
  • @visactor/vchart: split tooltip handler into plugins for on-demand importing, related #1397

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix the bug of crosshair trigger when hover and click are both configed, fix #1574
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip supports content area scrolling, related #2001
  • @visactor/vchart: remove label line height in default themes, related #1983
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue where tooltip content callbacks may not be effective in certain situations, related #1943

🔨 Refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: deprecated useSyncRender in react-vchart

more detail about v1.9.0



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: support innerOffset in vchart cartesian axis

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue of continous color scale, close #2131
  • @visactor/vchart: dont return min,max of empty data, fix #1711
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed polar coordinate relative axis tickValues acquisition error problem, fixed#2117
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue mark line is not filter by legend, close #2127
  • @visactor/vchart: sequence chart region bind error. fix#2115
  • @visactor/vchart: star shapes on dom tooltip do not display correctly, related #1905
  • @visactor/vchart: treemap drill event error
  • @visactor/vchart: treemap drill error when turn off the animation

more detail about v1.8.10



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: support supportsTouchEvents and supportsPointerEvents config
  • @visactor/vchart: support alignSelf of layout normal-inline elements, fix #2072
  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade vrender

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug of crosshair timer, fix #2088
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the bugs of axis's onZero property, fixed #2098,#2099
  • @visactor/vchart: update animation should exludes defined channel

more detail about v1.8.9



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: enhance scroll effect, closed #2037
  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade @visactor/vrender-core to locked 0.17.14
  • @visactor/vchart: sankey chart supports disableTriggerEvent configuration
  • @visactor/vchart: support new layout type region-relative-overlap

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: area.interactive in area series spec is not available, related #2030
  • @visactor/vchart: fix sortDataByAxis not work after datazoom changed axis
  • @visactor/vchart: crosshair should show when trimPadding of axis is true, fix #2054
  • @visactor/vchart: calculate layer transform for dimension tooltip
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the issue where activePoint does not take effect when the visible configuration of line chart point is false
  • @visactor/vchart: different effect when configuring label.overlap:true in #1956
  • @visactor/vchart: label position incorrect with region indent
  • scroll: event error in lynx env. fix#2041
  • @visactor/vchart: map scale ratio not correct after updateSpec or resize
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the bug of nice when tickCount is a function, fix #2050

more detail about v1.8.8



🆕 New feature

  • markPoint: mark point support item content confine. fix #1573
  • @visactor/vchart: support indent in region layout

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: mark tooltip not work in rangeColumn chart, closes #1959
  • brush: hover not effect when draw a small brush. fix#1985
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the problem that indent.top cannot take effect normally
  • @visactor/vchart: the crosshair should only be triggered when the point is in some x-axis and y-axis, fix #1954
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the issue where legend filtering fails after customizing data for discrete legends, fixed #1994
  • @visactor/vchart: range column chart's barMinHeight property does not take effect, closed#1999
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip value is stacked in stacked radar charts, related #450
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the onebyone symbol animation order, closes #1932

more detail about v1.8.7



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: add zAxis theme and set label space to 0, closed #149

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: compute layer translate for crosshair
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize funnel clip animation without extensionMarks
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the hover state of multiple series, close #1899
  • @visactor/vchart: waterfall.label not work in #1897

more detail about v1.8.5



🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: add media query spec interface to default chart spec
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the bug of extension mark when no valid animation, fix #1877

more detail about v1.8.4



🆕 New feature

  • @visactor/vchart: add props useSyncRender to react-vchart, close #1685
  • @visactor/vchart: Supports the initialization parameter disableTriggerEvent to turn off the default interactive effect of the chart

🐛 Bug fix

  • @visactor/vchart: chart option.animation not work
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error in strict mode of react-vchart, fix #1669
  • @visactor/vchart: error in chart level modification of media query action
  • @visactor/vchart: dimension tooltip in the dual-dimension chart contains data of only one dimension, related #1841
  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug in layout when band axis has no domain
  • @visactor/vchart: funnel clipIn animation has delay for marks which overflows the range of region in #1839
  • @visactor/vchart: when marker label's padding is an object, it should work
  • @visactor/vchart: undefined globalThis in tt miniprogram, see #1854 🔨 Refactor
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the style configuration of marker

more detail about v1.8.3



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: Supports the initialization parameter disableTriggerEvent to turn off the default interactive effect of the chart

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: Config animation in the chart option doesn't work
  • @visactor/vchart: Error in chart level modification of media query action

more detail about v1.8.2



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: improve the stability of spec transformer and media query
  • @visactor/vchart: select.triggerOff: none not work

more detail about v1.8.1



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: add getPoints api in funnel mark attribute context
  • @visactor/vchart: vchart supports chart-level plugin, related #1784
  • @visactor/vchart: new media query plugin to support self-adaptive charts, related #1413
  • @visactor/vchart: support optimize config, and auto set disableCheckGraphicWidthOutRange to true
  • @visactor/vchart: remove legacy theme for legends

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix the api: getComponentsByKey not work
  • @visactor/vchart: animation support for gauge pointer series, related #1699
  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue with secondary dataflow, closed #1760

🔨 refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: update datazoom and brush updatecallback, use event

⚡ perf

  • @visactor/vchart: when visible is false, dont parse detail attrs

more detail about v1.8.0



🐛 fix

  • brush: brush release error after update spec. fix#1720
  • @visactor/vchart: series should pick morph config in chart
  • @visactor/vchart: fix type defination of vchart spec in #1486

more detail about v1.7.5



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: support interaction group in region

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: label style not update when change current theme in #1698

more detail about v1.7.4



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: marker supports coordinatesOffset for points adjusting
  • @visactor/vchart: markLine supports x,y,y1 y,x,x1 and x,y,x1,y1 position
  • @visactor/vchart: markPoint support xy position
  • @visactor/vchart: marker's position property support relative coordinate
  • @visactor/vchart: marker's coordinate property supports callback
  • @visactor/vchart: cartesion crosshair's rect width support callback, support #1567
  • @visactor/vchart: polar crosshair supports default show
  • @visactor/vchart: support text omission position configuration suffixPosition
  • @visactor/vchart: supports pickStrokeBuffer style attribute for extending the stroke picking range

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix 3d bar chart with seriesField issue, closed #1646
  • @visactor/vchart: fix 3d chart z axis not work noamally issue, closed #1668
  • @visactor/vchart: clear old encode when update, fix #1630
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the problem that track mark has multiple elements in gauge series, related #1643
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the problem that gaugePointer series doesn't support custom innerRadius, related #1644
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the type error of markArea
  • @visactor/vchart: the outerBorder's color should be equal with labelBackground's fill by default
  • @visactor/vchart: fix oneByOne loop animation
  • @visactor/vchart: add align property for size legend, and fix the issue of the attribute assignment does not take effect, related #1553

🔨 refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: unify getVRenderComponents method in Component model

⚡ perf

  • @visactor/vchart: only call cloneDeepSpec() when need

more detail about v1.7.3



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: clear old encode when update, fix #1630
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the problem that track mark has multiple elements in gauge series, related #1643
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the problem that gaugePointer series doesn't support custom innerRadius, related #1644

🔨 refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: unify getVRenderComponents method in Component model

more detail about v1.7.2



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: read dataview of extension-mark by dataId
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the issue where the layout size of the axis is incorrect when only domainLine is displayed
  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug of changed spec when create series
  • pie: get center error. fix #1610
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the effect of tooltip.enterable that user's pointer can easily enter the tooltip, related #1598

more detail about v1.7.1



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: support trimPadding for band type axis, which used to remove the blank space at both ends of the aixs, closed #1174
  • @visactor/vchart: custom mark support animation config
  • @visactor/vchart: support customShape of mark
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize auto mode of data-zoom, related #1416
  • @visactor/vchart: enhance marker's position ability
  • @visactor/vchart: mark area should support specify x x1 y and y1 both
  • @visactor/vchart: add light-mobile and dark-mobile theme, related #1414
  • @visactor/vchart: optmize performance of computing data
  • @visactor/vchart: support none in component layoutType
  • @visactor/vchart: support line/area label
  • @visactor/vchart: no longer register mobile theme in vchart
  • @visactor/vchart: feature: supports registered function expression syntax, related #1187

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: chart padding won't update when switching global theme
  • @visactor/vchart: fix spec modified unexpectedly in data model, details in #1514
  • @visactor/vchart: update enableSegements implemention

🔨 refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: refactor the inheritance structure of the chart module to make the layout system independent, details in #1428

⚡ perf

  • @visactor/vchart: dont need to call attrTransform() in compilable-mark
  • @visactor/vchart: remove getStatisticsDomain()
  • @visactor/vchart: dont call bounds calculate when user specify width/height of components

more detail about v1.7.0



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/wx-vchart: fixed package delivery error issue, fixed #1570 , PR in #1571

more detail about v1.6.7



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix chart screen remains when using updateSpecSync, details in #1421
  • @visactor/vchart: is mouse click in empty region, the hover shape should reset, fixed #1538

more detail about v1.6.6



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: add skipFunctionDiff in react-vchart to skip difference of functions

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: dimension click not effect after update spec. fix #1532

more detail about v1.6.5



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the problem of unreasonable automatic indentation being triggered after modifying the axis range in datazoom
  • @visactor/vchart: default realtime not effect in scrollbar and datazoom. fix #1462
  • @visactor/vchart: filter mode error when roam in scrollbar and datazoom. fix #1460
  • @visactor/lark-vchart: fix options can not work in lark-vchart, wx-vchart
  • @visactor/wx-vchart: fix options can not work in lark-vchart, wx-vchart
  • @visactor/vchart: legendItemHover and legendItemUnHover should trigger once, https://github.com/VisActor/VRender/pull/678

⚡ perf

  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the dataflow of sankey

more detail about v1.6.4



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of update animation not work for line mark
  • @visactor/vchart: update vgrammar to ~0.8.3 to fix the issue that, vrender should not auto render during renderAsync
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the error when quick release vchart during async render
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip value is forced to wrap when the user globally configures css overflow-warp, related #1446
  • @visactor/vchart: fix: svg model's id should be uniq, fixed #1422, #1442
  • @visactor/vchart: fix: empty string should not be a valid number, fix #1463

⚡ perf

  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the encode performance of sankey

more detail about v1.6.3



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip value is forced to wrap when the user globally configures css overflow-warp, related #1446

more detail about v1.6.2



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: label formatMethod callback add context parmas to provide series object
  • @visactor/vchart: add components <Title /> and <Indicator /> of react-vchart, close #1424

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: centroidProperty not work in map chart
  • @visactor/vchart: fix incorrect legend filter result caused by animation in #1403
  • @visactor/vchart: if layout item is invisible, do not participate in grid layout, related #1425
  • @visactor/vchart: aggregation return value infinity problem. fix#1380'

more detail about v1.6.1



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: add bar background mark for bar-like series, related #1154
  • @visactor/vchart: add updateElement callback in tooltip spec to configure custom tooltip DOM elements based on the default tooltip handler, related #1338
  • @visactor/vchart: enable exit animation while updating data
  • @visactor/vchart: support functional label.position config in line/area/scatter/bar series
  • @visactor/vchart: load browser or node env code dynamically
  • @visactor/vchart: dataScheme supports configuration by distinguishing series directions, related #1209
  • @visactor/vchart: data sampling & point overlap. close #460
  • @visactor/taro-vchart: support weapp

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: react-vchart mode not work
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the trigger of hover in non-browser env
  • @visactor/vchart: if series mark is line, return stroke value when user want fill value, fixed #1388
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the angle offset in rose dimension tooltip, related #1263

⚡ perf

  • @visactor/vchart: create Stack and calculate stack attributes when need

more detail about v1.6.0



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: unexpected funnel transform ratio label, see #1348
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip value label clipped on lark mini app, related #1346

more detail about v1.5.4



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: support the exportCanvas api of vchart

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: sankey chart downstream highlight, related #1269
  • @visactor/vchart: slove first select not effect problem. fix #1129
  • @visactor/vchart: new layout method for circle axis label, related #1123
  • @visactor/vchart: change default zIndex of axis in gauge chart, related #1122
  • @visactor/vchart: datazoom location error when resize. fix #520
  • @visactor/vchart: slove event off error after release
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue where invalidType of scatter chart checks x and y at the same time
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue in markline as min/max aggr result is not correct, see #1261
  • @visactor/vchart: fix: fix the issue that the map tooltip title does not display the name from nameMap, see #1260
  • @visactor/vchart: sankey supports string value
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of crosshair can not trigger in weapp, fixed #1322

more detail about v1.5.3



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: support the exportCanvas api of vchart

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: new layout method for circle axis label, related #1123
  • @visactor/vchart: change default zIndex of axis in gauge chart, related #1122
  • @visactor/vchart: datazoom location error when resize. fix #520
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue in markline as min/max aggr result is not correct, see #1261
  • @visactor/vchart: fix: fix the issue that the map tooltip title does not display the name from nameMap, see #1260

more detail about v1.5.2



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: support correlation Chart
  • @visactor/vchart: add getGraphicBounds api in layoutItem to support get graphic size
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the autoindent logic in layout to ensure padding effect is correct
  • @visactor/vchart: support centroidProperty in map series
  • @visactor/vchart: scrollbar enhance zoom & drag & scroll. close #965
  • @visactor/vchart: datazoom enhance zoomLock & span config. close #1082
  • @visactor/vchart: supply the attributeContext params for customMark's attribute callback
  • @visactor/vchart: provide afterLayout event to support users to modify layout effects
  • @visactor/vchart: provide datum in the params of updateContent callback of tooltip, related #1244
  • @visactor/vchart: add the default theme (light, dark) of markLine, markArea and funnel series
  • @visactor/vchart: support load environment code on demand

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: optimized the display of padAngle in the gauge series and changed the unit of padAngle to angle, related #1215
  • @visactor/vchart: link 'adjacency' interaction highlighting effect of Sankey Chart is wrong, #1121
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of boxplot outlier animation will throw error
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the duplicate event registration in scrollbar, fixed#1241

🔨 refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: add register function for chart/series/component to collect side effect code
  • @visactor/vchart: add register function for animation

more detail about v1.5.1



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: brush state proxy to state spec

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix when the legend item only has stroke it cannot be consistent with the graphic color, details in #1147

more detail about v1.4.3



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: gauge series supports label component, related #1039
  • @visactor/vchart: add static tools in VChart.Utils
  • @visactor/vchart: supports afterResize and afterRender events
  • @visactor/vchart: add new config autoWidth to the tooltip label style, related #688

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: tooltipRelease event may be invalid when being released by VTable
  • @visactor/vchart: select error when setting brush. fix #1129
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the default performance of the long tooltip title, related #688
  • @visactor/vchart: if markLine is empty like {} or [], it should not create marker component
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue when use positions to create marker component, fixed #1084
  • @visactor/vchart: auto visible with linear axis. fix #1118

more detail about v1.4.2



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: optimize updateSpec to avoid additional theme updates

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix updateViewBox api will fail after resize
  • datazoom: fix bounds error when there is no preview chart. fix #1050
  • @visactor/vchart: the rose chart's first sector's startAngle should start from polar coordinate's startAngle, fix #900
  • @visactor/vchart: fix theme.fontFamily can not work
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the problem that updateFullData cannot update data in series

more detail about v1.4.1



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: add scrollbar layout spec to sequence. close #792
  • @visactor/vchart: linear axis support tooltipFilterRange to configure the relative data range of dimension tooltip, related #933
  • @visactor/vchart: add vchart to context in params of mark function style
  • @visactor/vchart: add default dark theme for scrollBar
  • @visactor/vchart: add configure items bandSize, maxBandSize, minBandSize to the spec of band axis, related #263
  • @visactor/vchart: support barMinHeight for bar series, relate #722
  • @visactor/vchart: enhance default wordcloud appear animation, details in #675
  • @visactor/vchart: tick mask support for polar progress-like charts, related #596
  • @visactor/vchart: pie label line support smooth
  • @visactor/vchart: support custom callback for tickCount, see #951
  • @visactor/vchart: support label.confine for markLine and markPoint to auto adjust label's position, relate https://github.com/VisActor/VChart/issues/699
  • @visactor/vchart: support minAngle for pie chart, relate #738
  • @visactor/vchart: disable label animation as default in map series
  • @visactor/vchart: increase chart stacking capabilities, provide stackValue to support independent stacking of multiple series
  • @visactor/vchart: increase chart stacking capabilities, provide stackInverse support for stacking in reverse order
  • @visactor/vchart: support scaleCenter attribute for mark, see #781
  • @visactor/vchart: provide updateModelSpec api, so that users can update the configuration of a chart module individually
  • @visactor/vchart: supports deleting all events of the corresponding type without passing through the handler when calling off
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip supports custom shape type, related #496
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip supports custom spaceRow for each line, related #949
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip supports custom fixed position relative to the cursor, related #541
  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue about updateSpec not work with only data change, details in #912
  • @visactor/vchart: support wx env
  • @visactor/vchart: remove compatibility code of threshold
  • @visactor/vchart: access label in map series

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: when stack is false and no fieldX2 or fieldY2, dataToPositionX1 and dataToPositionY1 should use 0, close #647
  • @visactor/vchart: label stroke should follow default color when stroke is set to null, detail see #985
  • @visactor/vchart: offsetX and offsetY can not work in mark component
  • @visactor/vchart: sankey chart support color config'
  • @visactor/vchart: style not effect when set mark hover. fix #976
  • @visactor/vchart: tooltipHide event may be inavailable when the computer runs slow
  • @visactor/vchart: chart pass-through serDataByAxis config to series
  • @visactor/vchart: when call updateSpec, the prev scrollbar had not been clear, relate #1044
  • @visactor/vchart: add protect for this._spec, fixed #1045
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of seriesId does not work in legends, closed #910
  • @visactor/vchart: state scale domain error when domain is locked. fix #629
  • @visactor/vchart: fix unoff event when passing through handler
  • @visactor/vchart: fix userEvent is added multiple times
  • @visactor/vchart: line and area mark should set closePath default, fix #654
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of radar area's invalidType not work, fixed #867
  • @visactor/vchart: fix invalidType not working after invoking updataDataSync, details in #1057
  • @visactor/vchart: marker don not render after updateData. fix #882
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of markLine symbol.size not work
  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the layout of normal-inline, fixed #989
  • @visactor/vchart: do the product of this._spec, fixed #1062
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of progress layout in multi-region
  • @visactor/vchart: render error when dot and link data is empty. fix #1019
  • @visactor/vchart: fontsize renge not effect with no value field. fix #522
  • @visactor/vchart: lock crosshair label to uninteractive, because it will affect axis label's event pick
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of reading onError of null option in #915 🔨 refactor
  • @visactor/vchart: split the updateSpec of life cycle to spec transform & compare
  • @visactor/vchart: remove unused code, and transform ticks transform to vutils-extension
  • @visactor/vchart: unify the clear of component
  • @visactor/vchart: seperate grid from axis for better layer control
  • @visactor/vchart: use @visctor/vgrammar-core to replace @visctor/vgrammar

more detail about v1.4.0



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: circularProgress chart may throw error when executing updateSpec, related #994
  • @visactor/vchart: the theme in spec does not update correctly when executing updateSpec, related #996
  • @visactor/vchart: track in spec is not working in circularProgress charts, related #600
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the error triggered by chart updateSpec, fixed #988, #1002
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of player component updateSpec, fixed #967

more detail about v1.3.4



🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of player component updateSpec, fixed #967

more detail about v1.3.3



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: the setDimensionIndex api supports deselecting ability by passing in null
  • @visactor/vchart: use precision calculations in waterfall charts to avoid unexpected values for labels, details in #721
  • @visactor/vchart: interactive default config.

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: log scale has no result about zero when bar stack has a zero baseline value. fix #634
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the user event listener becomes invalid after updateSpec
  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug of series mark static style are not updated when updateSpec
  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug data fields are not updated when updateSpec, details in #829
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of animation config not work in common chart, related #814

⚡ perf

  • @visactor/vchart: optimize the performance of dimension-statistics
  • @visactor/vchart: only calculate dimensionTree when need

more detail about v1.3.2



🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: lineHeight supports string proportional values, related #744
  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade vdataset for clone source data when call updateData

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: move 'SeriesMarkNameEnum' to single file, solve the issue of codesandbox can not work, it looks like an error in the Codesandbox' bundler, see https://github.com/codesandbox/codesandbox-client/issues/6435
  • @visactor/vchart: fix sortDataByAxis not work after updateData
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of legend does not update after updateData, fix #769
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of legend's maxHeight not work
  • @visactor/vchart: the issue of pie chart with null value, fixed https://github.com/VisActor/VChart/issues/748
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the problem that the pie chart draws a full circle when the data is all 0, because the endAngle of the last piece of data is forced to configure the endAngle of polar coordinates
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of seriesIndex not work in discrete legend, see #732

more detail about v1.3.1