!!!###!!!title=scroll animationt——VisActor/VTable tutorial documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=VTable provides a scrolling animation feature that allows you to scroll to a specified table area. It supports configuring the duration and easing function of the animation.<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img src="https://lf9-dp-fe-cms-tos.byteorg.com/obj/bit-cloud/VTable/preview/scroll-animation.gif" style="flex: 0 0 50%; padding: 10px;"></div>!!!###!!!

Table Scrolling Animation

VTable provides a scrolling animation feature that allows you to scroll to a specified table area. It supports configuring the duration and easing function of the animation.

Scrolling Animation Configuration Options

The ScrollAnimationOption is a configuration item for the scrolling animation. You can set it to true to enable the default animation, or you can configure the animation parameters:

  • duration: The duration of the animation in milliseconds.
  • easing: The easing function of the animation. Default is linear. Supports linear, quadIn, quadOut, quadInOut, quadInOut, cubicIn, cubicOut, cubicInOut, quartIn, quartOut, quartInOut, quintIn, quintOut, quintInOut, backIn, backOut, backInOut, circIn, circOut, circInOut, bounceOut, bounceIn, bounceInOut, elasticIn, elasticOut, elasticInOut, sineIn, sineOut, sineInOut, expoIn, expoOut, expoInOut.

For detailed usage, refer to the demo

Scrolling APIs


Scrolls to a specified cell.

tableInstance.scrollToCell({col, row}, ScrollAnimationOption)


Scrolls to a specified row.

tableInstance.scrollToRow(row, ScrollAnimationOption)


Scrolls to a specified column.

tableInstance.scrollToCol(col, ScrollAnimationOption)