!!!###!!!title=custom interactive component——VisActor/VTable tutorial documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=Custom primitives in custom rendering and custom layout can use the components provided by `VRender`. Currently, the following components are supported:!!!###!!!

Custom interactive components

Custom primitives in custom rendering and custom layout can use the components provided by VRender. Currently, the following components are supported:


The TextAutoPoptip component is an interactive component provided by VRender. Its function is that when the text is too long and is omitted, hover over the text and a poptip will automatically pop up to display the entire content of the text.

To use the TextAutoPoptip component, you need to configure the corresponding text primitive with pickable: true to enable interaction. At this time, the TextAutoPoptip component will automatically start when the text primitive is omitted by the maxLineWidth attribute. If you want to disable component retention interaction, you need to configure the disableAutoClipedPoptip attribute on the text primitive to true.

The poptip style popped up by the TextAutoPoptip component can be configured in theme.textPopTipStyle. Some common properties are as follows:

position'auto' | 'top' | 'tl' | 'tr' | 'bottom' | 'bl' | 'br' | 'left' | 'lt' | 'lb ' | 'right' | 'rt' | 'rb'poptip is displayed relative to the position of the primitive
titlestring | string[] | number | number[]The content of title in poptip
titleStylePartial<ITextGraphicAttribute>The style of the title content in poptip
titleFormatMethod(t: string | string[] | number | number[]) => string | string[] | number | number[]format method for title content in poptip
contentstring | string[] | number | number[]The content of content in poptip, the default is the complete string
contentStylePartialThe style of the content content in poptip
contentFormatMethod(t: string | string[] | number | number[]) => string | string[] | number | number[]The format method of content in poptip
spacenumberDistance between title and content
paddingPaddingpadding in poptip
panelBackgroundAttributes & ISymbolGraphicAttribute & {space?:number;}Background style in poptip
minWidthnumberMaximum width in poptip
maxWidthnumberThe minimum width in poptip
maxWidthPercentnumberMaximum width percentage in poptip
visiblebooleanwhether poptip is visible
visibleFunc(graphic: IGraphic) => booleanwhether poptip is visible function
dxnumberpoptipx-direction offset
dynumberpoptipy direction offset