!!!###!!!title=pivot table data analysis——VisActor/VTable tutorial documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=In the figure below, there are four business dimensions: region, province, year, quarter, and indicators: sales, profit. <div style="width: 80%; text-align: center;"> <img src="https://lf9-dp-fe-cms-tos.byteorg.com/obj/bit-cloud/VTable/guide/pivot-analysis.png" /> <p>Pivot table structure description</p> </div>Regarding the sales data in the figure, the location is in cell [5, 5], that is, the data in column 5 and row 5: represents the sales profit value of Heilongjiang Province in the Northeast region in the Q2 quarter of 2016. That is to say, it corresponds to the row dimension value: ['Northeast', 'Heilongjiang'], the column dimension: ['2016', '2016-Q2'], and the indicator: 'Profit'. Next, we will introduce how to use VTable to implement this multi-dimensional table.!!!###!!!

Pivot data analysis

In the figure below, there are four business dimensions: region, province, year, quarter, and indicators: sales, profit.

Pivot table structure description

Regarding the sales data in the figure, the location is in cell [5, 5], that is, the data in column 5 and row 5: represents the sales profit value of Heilongjiang Province in the Northeast region in the Q2 quarter of 2016. That is to say, it corresponds to the row dimension value: ['Northeast', 'Heilongjiang'], the column dimension: ['2016', '2016-Q2'], and the indicator: 'Profit'. Next, we will introduce how to use VTable to implement this multi-dimensional table.

VTable implements multi-dimensional tables

Concept mapping to configuration items

The configuration of the pivot table above is as follows:

const option={
  rows:['region','province'], //row dimensions
  columns:['year','quarter'], //column dimensions
  indicators:['sales','profit'], //Indicators //Whether to enable data analysis function
  records:[ //Data source。 If summary data is passed in, use user incoming data

This configuration is the simplest configuration for multidimensional tables. As the functional requirements become more complex, various configurations can be added for each function point to meet the needs.

Configuration itemTypeDescription
rows(IRowDimension | string)[]Row dimension field array, used to parse out the corresponding dimension members
columns(IColumnDimension | string)[]Column dimension field array, used to parse out the corresponding dimension members
indicators(IIndicator | string)[]Specific display indicators
dataConfig.aggregationRulesaggregationRule[]Aggregation value calculation rules according to row and column dimensions
dataConfig.derivedFieldRulesDerivedFieldRule[]Derived fields
dataConfig.sortRulessortRule[]Sort rules
dataConfig.filterRulesfilterRule[]Filter Rules
dataConfig.totalstotalRule[]Subtotal or total
dataConfig.calculatedFieldRulesCalculateddFieldRule[]calculated fields

dataConfig configuration definition:

 * Data processing configuration
export interface IDataConfig {
  aggregationRules?: AggregationRules; //Calculate the aggregated values according to row and column dimensions; by default, all indicator values will be calculated by summing them up.
  sortRules?: SortRules; //排序规则;
  filterRules?: FilterRules; //过滤规则;
  totals?: Totals; //小计或总计;
  derivedFieldRules?: DerivedFieldRules; //派生字段定义

dataConfig application example:

1. Totals

VTable to calculate subtotals configuration:

option description

Configuration example:

dataConfig: {
      totals: {
        row: {
          showGrandTotals: true,
          showSubTotals: true,
          subTotalsDimensions: ['province'],
          grandTotalLabel: 'row total',
          subTotalLabel: 'Subtotal',
          showGrandTotalsOnTop: true //totals show on top
        column: {
          showGrandTotals: true,
          showSubTotals: true,
          subTotalsDimensions: ['quarter'],
          grandTotalLabel: 'column total',
          subTotalLabel: 'Subtotal'

Online demo:https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/data-analysis/pivot-analysis-total

Custom summary data

If you need to customize summary data, you do not want VTable to calculate the subtotals. In addition to the above configuration, you also need to include the corresponding summary data in the data passed to VTable. In this way, VTable will analyze it internally and display it as summary data instead of using VTable's summary value.

Custom subtotal total sample code

Specific example: https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/data-analysis/pivot-analysis-custom-total

2. Sorting rules

VTable's pivot table supports four sorting methods: natural sorting of dimension values, specified dimension value order, indicator value sorting, and custom sorting.

For definitions, please refer to:

option description Usage tutorial

The following is an example of the indicator value sorting configuration:

dataConfig: {
    sortRules: [
          sortField: 'city',
          sortByIndicator: 'sales',
          sortType: VTable.TYPES.SortType.DESC,
          query: ['office supplies', 'pen']
        } as VTable.TYPES.SortByIndicatorRule

If you need to modify the sorting rules of the pivot table, you can use the interface updateSortRules.

Online demo:https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/data-analysis/pivot-analysis-sort-dimension

3. Filter rules

option description

Configuration example:

dataConfig: {
  filterRules: [
          filterFunc: (record: Record<string, any>) => {
            return record.province !== 'Sichuan Province' || record.category !== 'Furniture';

Online demo:https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/data-analysis/pivot-analysis-filter

4. Aggregation method

By default, all indicator values are calculated as SUM. If you do not want this default calculation method, you can modify it by configuring aggregationRules. Usually, if the indicator is a string type, you need to configure NONE to display the original value of the data source field.

option description

Configuration example:

dataConfig: {
    aggregationRules: [
        //The basis for doing aggregate calculations, such as sales. If there is no configuration, the cell content will be displayed by default based on the aggregate sum calculation result.
          indicatorKey: 'TotalSales', //Indicator name
          field: 'Sales', //Indicator based on field
          aggregationType: VTable.TYPES.AggregationType.SUM, //Calculation type
          formatFun: sumNumberFormat
          indicatorKey: 'OrderCount', //Indicator name
          field: 'Sales', //Indicator based on field
          aggregationType: VTable.TYPES.AggregationType.COUNT, //Computation type
          formatFun: countNumberFormat
          indicatorKey: 'AverageOrderSales', //Indicator name
          field: 'Sales', //Indicator based on field
          aggregationType: VTable.TYPES.AggregationType.AVG, //Computation type
          indicatorKey: 'MaxOrderSales', //Indicator name
          field: 'Sales', //Indicator based on field
          aggregationType: VTable.TYPES.AggregationType.MAX, //Computation type , caculate max value
          indicatorKey: 'OrderSalesValue', //Indicator name
          field: 'Sales', //Indicator based on field
          aggregationType: VTable.TYPES.AggregationType.NONE, //don't aggregate
          indicatorKey: 'orderRecords', //Indicator name
          field: 'Sales', //Indicator based on field
          aggregationType: VTable.TYPES.AggregationType.RECORD, //don't aggregate. Match all the corresponding data as the value of the cell

Online demo:https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/data-analysis/pivot-analysis-aggregation

Special Note:

  • AggregationType.NONE The usage scenario of the indicator without aggregation is mainly used to display the original data obtained according to the data record input by the user, such as:
  region: 'Central South',
  province: 'Guangxi',
  year: '2016',
  quarter: '2016-Q1',
  sales: 'NULL',
  profit: 1546
    indicatorKey: 'sales', //Indicator name
    field: 'sales', //Indicator based field
    aggregationType: VTable.TYPES.AggregationType.NONE, //Do not perform aggregation. Match the corresponding data to obtain the value of the corresponding field.

The sales indicator in this record is a non-numeric value, and it is required to display "NULL" directly in the table cell. In this case, you can set NONE to require the internal aggregation logic of VTable to directly obtain the value of the sales field without aggregation.

  • The usage scenario of AggregationType.RECORD indicator without aggregation is mainly used to match all data according to the data record passed by the user, and use it as the display data of the cell. The usage scenario is such as collecting data sets as mini-charts. For specific demo, see: https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/cell-type/pivot-sparkline

5. Derive Field

option description

Configuration example:

dataConfig: {
    derivedFieldRules: [
        fieldName: 'Year',
        derivedFunc: VTable.DataStatistics.dateFormat('Order Date', '%y', true),
        fieldName: 'Month',
        derivedFunc: VTable.DataStatistics.dateFormat('Order Date', '%n', true),

Online demo:https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/data-analysis/pivot-analysis-derivedField

6. Pivot table calculated fields

option description

Configuration example:

dataConfig: {
      key: 'AvgPrice',
      dependIndicatorKeys: ['Quantity', 'Sales'],
      calculateFun: dependValue => {
        return dependValue.Sales / dependValue.Quantity;

Configuration explanation:

  • key: The key unique identifier of the calculated field, which can be used as a new indicator and configured in indicators for display in the pivot table.
  • dependIndicatorKeys: The indicators that the calculated field depends on, which can be the corresponding indicator fields in records. If the dependent indicator is not in records, it needs to be configured in aggregationRules, specifying the aggregation rules and indicatorKey to be used in dependIndicatorKeys.
  • calculateFun: the calculation function of the calculated field, the function parameter is the value of the dependent indicator.

Specific example: https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/data-analysis/pivot-analysis-calculatedField

Data analysis process

Dependent configuration: dimensions, indicators and dataConfig.

The process of traversing data:

Traverse the records once, parse the row header dimension value to display the header cell, distribute all data in the records to the corresponding row and column path set, and calculate the aggregate value of the body part indicator cell.

Data analysis process

Data dimension tree

According to the above traversed structure, a dimension tree will be generated, from which the value of the cell and the original data entry of the value can be found.

Organize dimension tree to aggregate data

After analysis and calculation of record grouping and aggregation, the corresponding relationship between the cell data in the table and the records data source is finally presented:

Correspondence between data source entries and cells

Custom header structure width dimension tree

Although multi-dimensional tables with analytical capabilities can automatically analyze the dimension values of each dimension to form a tree structure of row and column headers, and can be sorted according to dataConfig.sortRules, scenarios with complex business logic still expect to be able to **customize Row column header dimension value ** and order. Then these business requirement scenarios can be realized through rowTree and columnTree.

custom rowTree columnTree

Custom tree configuration:

const option = {
    rowTree: [{
        dimensionKey: 'region',
        value: '中南',
        children: [
                dimensionKey: 'province',
                value: '广东',
                dimensionKey: 'province',
                value: '广西',
        dimensionKey: 'region',
        value: '华东',
        children: [
                dimensionKey: 'province',
                value: '上海',
                dimensionKey: 'province',
                value: '山东',
    columnTree: [{
        dimensionKey: 'year',
        value: '2016',
        children: [
                dimensionKey: 'quarter',
                value: '2016-Q1',
                children: [
                        indicatorKey: 'sales',
                        value: 'sales'
                        indicatorKey: 'profit',
                        value: 'profit'
                dimensionKey: 'quarter',
                value: '2016-Q2',
                children: [
                        indicatorKey: 'sales',
                        value: 'sales'
                        indicatorKey: 'profit',
                        value: 'profit'
    indicators: ['sales', 'profit'],

    corner: {
        titleOnDimension: 'none'
    records: [
            region: '中南',
            province: '广东',
            year: '2016',
            quarter: '2016-Q1',
            sales: 1243,
            profit: 546
            region: '中南',
            province: '广东',
            year: '2016',
            quarter: '2016-Q2',
            sales: 2243,
            profit: 169
        }, {
            region: '中南',
            province: '广西',
            year: '2016',
            quarter: '2016-Q1',
            sales: 3043,
            profit: 1546
            region: '中南',
            province: '广西',
            year: '2016',
            quarter: '2016-Q2',
            sales: 1463,
            profit: 609
            region: '华东',
            province: '上海',
            year: '2016',
            quarter: '2016-Q1',
            sales: 4003,
            profit: 1045
            region: '华东',
            province: '上海',
            year: '2016',
            quarter: '2016-Q2',
            sales: 5243,
            profit: 3169
        }, {
            region: '华东',
            province: '山东',
            year: '2016',
            quarter: '2016-Q1',
            sales: 4543,
            profit: 3456
            region: '华东',
            province: '山东',
            year: '2016',
            quarter: '2016-Q2',
            sales: 6563,
            profit: 3409

VTable official website example: https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/table-type/pivot-table.

The complexity of the custom tree lies in the formation of the row, column and dimension trees. You can choose to use it according to the business scenario. If you have complex sorting, aggregation or paging rules, you can choose to use a custom method.

Drilling up and down

We only provide the display of the drill-down download button. If you need this capability, you need to combine events and interfaces to implement the relevant logic yourself.

Add the drillDown configuration item to the dimension configuration rows or columns to display the download button, listen to the icon button click event drillmenu_click, determine whether to drill down or roll up the dimension according to the event parameter drillDown or drillUp, determine the dimension to drill down or drill up according to the parameter dimensionKey, add or delete it to rows or columns, obtain the data source corresponding to the new dimension level, and call the interface updateOption to update the new option to the table.

Specific demo: https://visactor.io/vtable/demo/data-analysis/pivot-analysis-table-drill


It can help to obtain the original data entry corresponding to the cell aggregate value.