!!!###!!!title=Header Highlight——VisActor/VTable tutorial documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=VTable provides Header Highlight plugin, which can highlight the corresponding header (row header and column header) after selecting a cell.<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;"> <img src="https://lf9-dp-fe-cms-tos.byteorg.com/obj/bit-cloud/VTable/preview/head-highlight.png" style="flex: 0 0 50%; padding: 10px;"></div>!!!###!!!

Header Highlight Plugin

VTable provides Header Highlight plugin, which can highlight the corresponding header (row header and column header) after selecting a cell.

Header Highlight Plugin Configuration

  • HeaderHighlightPlugin Header Highlight, can configure the following parameters:
    • columnHighlight whether highlight the column
    • rowHighlight whether highlight the row
    • colHighlightBGColor the background color of the column highlight
    • rowHighlightBGColor the background color of the row highlight
    • colHighlightColor the color of the column highlight
    • rowHighlightColor the color of the row highlight
const highlightPlugin = new HeaderHighlightPlugin(tableInstance, {});

For specific usage, please refer to demo