!!!###!!!title=About vchart-extension——VisActor/VChart tutorial documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=VChart extensions are a set of additional features provided for VChart, typically used in specific scenarios. VChart extensions include three types of content:- Charts- Components/Plugins- Algorithms for specific scenarios!!!###!!!

About VChart Extensions

VChart extensions are a set of additional features provided for VChart, typically used in specific scenarios. VChart extensions include three types of content:

  • Charts
  • Components/Plugins
  • Algorithms for specific scenarios

How to Get Extensions

There are several ways to get VChart extensions:

  • From npm
  • From CDN
  • From GitHub repository

Get from npm

# npm
$ npm install @visactor/vchart-extension

# yarn
$ yarn add @visactor/vchart-extension

For usage instructions, refer to the specific extension tutorials.

Get from CDN

You can get VChart-extension from the following free CDNs:

<!-- unpkg -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@visactor/vchart-extension/build/index.min.js"></script>

<!-- jsDelivr -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@visactor/vchart-extension/build/index.min.js"></script>

Get from GitHub

You can directly get the source code of VChart-extension from GitHub:

  • You can clone the source code directly from GitHub.
  • You can also choose the corresponding version from the release page of VChart, click on the Source code under the Assets section, download it to your local machine, and extract it for use.