!!!###!!!title=Scatter Plot——VisActor/VChart tutorial documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=[\[Option Manual\]](../../../option/scatterChart)!!!###!!!

Scatter Plot

[Option Manual]


A scatter plot is a type of graph used to represent the relationship between two variables. It depicts the relationship between two variables by plotting a series of points on a cartesian coordinate plane, with the coordinates of the points representing the values of the variables. Scatter plots can help us intuitively observe the relationship between two variables, such as whether there is a linear relationship, whether there is some trend, whether there are outliers, etc.

As mentioned earlier, a scatter plot uses the position of points to represent the relationship between two variables. The size or color of the points can be used to distinguish categories. In VChart, you can specify the size of the scatter points using scatterChart.sizeField to represent the differences in variable values, and this visualization method of specifying the size of points is also called bubble chart.

Chart Composition

A scatter plot consists of point elements, axes, tooltip information, and other components.

  • scatterChart.type: Chart type, scatter plot type is 'scatter'
  • scatterChart.data: Data source for chart rendering
  • scatterChart.xField: Category/value field, maps point element's x-coordinate
  • scatterChart.yField: Category/value field, maps point element's y-coordinate
  • scatterChart.sizeField: Value field, maps point element's size

Axes, tooltip information, and other components are optional configurations that assist the chart display and come with default effects and capabilities:

Quick Start

Key Configuration

  • categoryField property declares a category field
  • valueField property declares a value field

Scatter Plot Features


  • A Discrete/ Numerical field, e.g.: product, maps point element's x-coordinate
  • A Discrete/ Numerical field, e.g.: sales, maps point element's y-coordinate


  • A Numerical field, e.g.: count, maps point element's size
  • A Discrete field, e.g.: type, maps point element's shape

A dataset of product categories and sales is defined as follows:

data: [
    name: 'scatter',
    values: [
        product: 'Data Cable',
        sales: 200,
        count: 20,
        type: 'Digital'
        product: 'Tissue',
        sales: 500,
        count: 100,
        type: 'Daily Necessities'
        product: 'Bread',
        sales: 400,
        count: 100,
        type: 'Food'

Elements and Styles

Since scatter plots have flexible data display capabilities, a single point element represents a data record, so people often assign more data significance to it in other visual channels, such as shape, size, etc.


You can specify the shape mapping field and mapping range for the scatter plot respectively through scatterChart.shapeField and scatterChart.shape.

The declaration of scatterChart.shape is as follows:

  size: {
    type: 'ordinal', // Mapping type, 'linear' can also be selected
    range: [10, 30, 50] // Mapping range

Alternatively, you can directly specify the mapping relationship via the callback form. Declare the following in scatterChart.shape:

shape: () => 'start',


You can specify the shape mapping field and mapping range for the scatter plot respectively through scatterChart.sizeField and scatterChart.size. The declaration of scatterChart.size is as follows:

  size: {
    type: 'linear', // Mapping type
    range: [10, 30] // Mapping range

Or you can directly specify the mapping relationship by a callback, Declare below in scatterChart.size:

size: (data) => Math.sqrt(data['size']/10, 2),