!!!###!!!title=univer——VisActor/VChart tutorial documents!!!###!!!

Introduction to univer-vchart-plugin

About Univer

Univer is an open-source alternative to the Office suite, including spreadsheets, documents, and presentations. It currently offers features such as formulas, number formatting, conditional formatting, data validation, and text-image mixing. You can integrate Univer into your system and develop personalized business requirements based on Univer.

univer-vchart-plugin is a plugin encapsulated based on Univer, allowing you to quickly insert vchart charts into Univer.

Quick Start


# Install using npm
npm install @visactor/univer-vchart-plugin

# Install using yarn
yarn add @visactor/univer-vchart-plugin


  • Register the plugin
import { UniverVChartPlugin } from '@visactor/univer-vchart-plugin';

export function setupUniver() {
  const univer = new Univer({
    theme: defaultTheme,
    locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
    locales: {
      [LocaleType.EN_US]: enUS
  • Create a vchart chart, example as follows:
import { CREATE_VCHART_COMMAND_ID } from '@visactor/univer-vchart-plugin';

await univerAPI.executeCommand(CREATE_VCHART_COMMAND_ID, {
      spec: { ... },

The following parameters are supported when creating a vchart chart:

 * the params of create a vchart instance
 * @param spec spec of vchart
 * @param options options of vchart
 * @param initPosition ths position of vchart layer
export interface CreateVChartParams {
  spec: ISpec;
  options?: Omit<IInitOption, 'dom' | 'renderCanvas'>;
  initPosition?: {
    startX?: number;
    startY?: number;
    endX?: number;
    endY?: number;

A Simple Chart Example

import { UniverVChartPlugin, CREATE_VCHART_COMMAND_ID } from '@visactor/univer-vchart-plugin';

export function setupUniver() {
  const univer = new Univer({
    theme: defaultTheme,
    locale: LocaleType.EN_US,
    locales: {
      [LocaleType.EN_US]: enUS

export function setupVChartDemo($toolbar: HTMLElement, univerAPI: FUniver) {
  const $button = document.createElement('a');
  $button.textContent = 'Create vchart demo';

  $button.addEventListener('click', async () => {
    if (!univerAPI) throw new Error('univerAPI is not defined');

    const activeWorkbook = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook();
    if (!activeWorkbook) throw new Error('activeWorkbook is not defined');
    const activeSheet = activeWorkbook.getActiveSheet();
    if (!activeSheet) throw new Error('activeSheet is not defined');

    await univerAPI.executeCommand(CREATE_VCHART_COMMAND_ID, {
      spec: {
        type: 'line',
        data: {
          values: [
              time: '2:00',
              value: 8
              time: '4:00',
              value: 9
              time: '6:00',
              value: 11
              time: '8:00',
              value: 14
              time: '10:00',
              value: 16
              time: '12:00',
              value: 17
              time: '14:00',
              value: 17
              time: '16:00',
              value: 16
              time: '18:00',
              value: 15
        xField: 'time',
        yField: 'value'
[View the online demo](https://stackblitz.com/~/github.com/xile611/univer-vchart-plugin-demo)