!!!###!!!title=Histogram——VisActor/VChart tutorial documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=[\[Configuration Manual\]](../../../option/histogramChart)!!!###!!!


[Configuration Manual]


Histogram, also known as a quality distribution chart, is used to represent the distribution of data, and is a common statistical chart. The horizontal axis generally represents the data range, the vertical axis represents the distribution, and the higher the column, the larger the number of elements in that range.

Chart Structure

The histogram is composed of rectangular elements, coordinate axes, and other components.

The rectangle element is the basic element of the histogram, and the relevant drawing configuration is indispensable:

  • histogramChart.type: Chart type, the type of histogram is 'histogram'

  • histogramChart.data: Data source for chart drawing

  • histogramChart.xField: Numeric field, mapping the x-coordinate / width of the element

  • histogramChart.x1Field: Numeric field, mapping the x1-coordinate of the element

  • histogramChart.yField: Numeric field, mapping the y-coordinate / height of the element

  • histogramChart.y1Field: Numeric field, mapping the y1-coordinate of the element

    Like other charts, the histogram supports the configuration of the direction attribute. When direction: 'horizontal', xField maps the width of the rectangle element, yField and y1Field map the upper and lower boundaries of the rectangle element. Coordinates, i.e., y and y1 coordinates; when direction: 'vertical', yField maps the height of the rectangle element, xField and x1Field map the left and right boundaries of the rectangle element. Coordinates, namely x and x1 coordinates.

Coordinate axes, tooltips, and other components that assist chart display are optional configuration, with default effects and functionality:

  • histogramChart.axes: Coordinate axis component, displayed by default, and automatically infers coordinate system and data mapping logic according to chart type. Note that histograms do not support discrete axes because they are used to statistically analyze the frequency distribution within each data range, and the main axis(values) must be entered as a value range, which isn't supported by the discrete axis. Detailed configuration can be found at VChart coordinate axis component configuration
  • histogramChart.tooltip: Tooltip, displayed by default during interaction, detailed configuration can be found at VChart tooltip component configuration
  • For more component configuration see VChart histogramChart configuration

Getting Started

Key Configuration

  • Declare the xField property as the frequency statistics left range field
  • Declare the x2Field property as the frequency statistics right range field
  • Declare the yField property as the frequency value field

Histogram Features

Unlike bar charts, histograms display data within a specific segment, so the dimension axis usually requires two fields to represent the start and end points of the interval. Moreover, since the interval is a value range, the dimension axis is a continuous axis. The index axis uses a numeric field to represent column height.


  • Two numeric fields, such as: x x1
  • One numeric field, such as: value

Data definition is as follows:

data: [
    name: 'histogram',
    values: [
        x: 0,
        x1: 10,
        value: 1
        x: 10,
        x1: 20,
        value: 5
        x: 20,
        x1: 30,
        value: 2

Histogram Line Combination Chart

Histograms and line charts are often used together to provide clearer and more accurate visualizations of data distribution characteristics. Compared to a single histogram, a histogram paired with a line chart not only intuitively displays data distribution in the chart, but also better emphasizes data trends and deviation changes.

Different Frequency Distribution Histogram

Since the left and right boundary positions of the columns are determined by different data fields, this means that the size of the data intervals determines the column width (or column height when direction: 'horizontal'). Different data intervals can be drawn to form histograms with different frequency distributions.

Chart Layout

Stacked Histogram

In VChart, to display a stacked histogram, set histogramChart.stack: true, and to distinguish columns stacked under the same dimension, specify histogramChart.seriedField. This field defaults to mapping the area color.