!!!###!!!title=Lynx——VisActor/VChart tutorial documents!!!###!!!!!!###!!!description=Lynx is a high-performance cross-end framework for quickly building Native views using the Web technology stack in Bytes. VChart also provides support for the chart rendering capabilities of this framework.!!!###!!!


Lynx is a high-performance cross-end framework for quickly building Native views using the Web technology stack in Bytes. VChart also provides support for the chart rendering capabilities of this framework.

How to get VChart

npm package

You can install the vchart dependency package directly in the lynx project: @visactor/vchart.

Manually import script

You can also manually reference VChart's umd packaged product, which you can obtain through the following channels:

<!-- unpkg -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@visactor/vchart/build/index.min.js"></script>

<!-- jsDelivr -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@visactor/vchart/build/index.min.js"></script>

how to use

Below we will introduce how to use VChart on Feishu widgets from three parts: js, ttml, and ttss.


Three canvases need to be declared, and pay attention to the order of declaration.

  • bar_hidden_canvas hidden canvas, declared in the first, is used for some internal picking logic
  • bar_draw_canvas draws canvas, the second statement
  • bar_tooltip_canvas is used to draw the canvas of the tooltip. The tooltip of the cross-end environment is drawn using the canvas.
<view class="vchart">
  <!-- canvas order is important -->
    class="cs-canvas cs-canvas-hidden"


Create a VChart instance in this file. Because VChart is internally compatible with the lynx environment, its use is basically the same as on the PC. You only need to pay attention to two points:

  • Necessary environment parameters need to be declared in the constructor of VChart
const chartInstance = new VChart(spec, {
  mode: 'lynx', // Tip: Cross-end environment needs to manually pass in mode
  // Cross-end parameters
  modeParams: {
    domref: domRef, // Canvas node for chart drawing
    force: true, // Whether to force the use of canvas for drawing
    canvasIdLists: [`${item.id}_draw_canvas`, `${item.id}_tooltip_canvas`, `${item.id}_hidden_canvas`], // canvasId list
    tooltipCanvasId: `${item.id}_tooltip_canvas`, // tooltip canvasId
    freeCanvasIdx: 1 // Free canvas index
  dpr: pixelRatio, // Tip: Cross-end environment needs to manually pass in dpr
  renderCanvas: `${item.id}_draw_canvas` // Declare the canvasId used for drawing
  • Regarding events, users need to bind events to the canvas (canvas used for drawing) element themselves, and then manually dispatch events in the event listening function to trigger events inside VChart.
bindChartEvent(event) {
   const id = event.target.id.split("_")[0];
   const targetChart = this.data.chartList.find(x => x.id === id);
   const chartInstance = targetChart?.chart;
   if (chartInstance) {
     event.target = chartInstance.getCanvas(); // Tip: Must be set

The following is the completed code related to index.js:

import barSpec from './data/bar';
import VChart, { registerLynxEnv } from '@visactor/vchart';
import mapJson from './data/map-data-china';

  data: {
    chartList: [
        id: 'bar',
        spec: barSpec,
        chart: undefined
  onLoad: function () {
    // 如果需要使用地图,需要先注册地图
    VChart.registerMap('china', mapJson, {
      type: 'geojson'

  init() {
    this.data.chartList.forEach(item => {
          method: 'boundingClientRect',
          success: domRef => {
            if (!domRef) {
              console.error(`未找到 #${item.id} 画布`);
            domRef.id = item.id;
            const pixelRatio = SystemInfo.pixelRatio;

            const chartInstance = new VChart(item.spec, {
              mode: 'lynx', //  Tip: 跨端环境需要手动传入 mode
              // 跨端参数
              modeParams: {
                domref: domRef, // 图表绘制的 canvas 节点
                force: true, // 是否强制使用 canvas 绘制
                canvasIdLists: [`${item.id}_draw_canvas`, `${item.id}_tooltip_canvas`, `${item.id}_hidden_canvas`], // canvasId 列表
                tooltipCanvasId: `${item.id}_tooltip_canvas`, // tooltip canvasId
                freeCanvasIdx: 1 // 自由 canvas 索引
              dpr: pixelRatio, // Tip: 跨端环境需要手动传入 dpr
              renderCanvas: `${item.id}_draw_canvas` // 声明用于绘制的 canvasId
            item.chart = chartInstance;

            if (item.events) {
              item.events.forEach(event => {
                chartInstance.on(event.type, { source: event.element }, event.handler);
          fail: res => {
            console.log('res:', res);

  bindChartEvent(event) {
    const id = event.target.id.split('_')[0];
    const targetChart = this.data.chartList.find(x => x.id === id);
    const chartInstance = targetChart?.chart;
    if (chartInstance) {
      event.target = chartInstance.getCanvas(); // Tip: 必须设置

On-Demand Loading

Lynx-VChart inherently supports on-demand loading. There are two ways to achieve on-demand loading with VChart:

  • Use the <VChartSimple /> tag to implement custom on-demand loading.

The <VChartSimple /> component and the <VChart /> component are almost identical in usage. The only difference is that users need to import the VChart constructor class from @viasctor/vchart/esm/core, register the required charts and components as described in this document, and pass them to <VChartSimple />.

  • Use semantic tags, all of which support on-demand loading by default. The default registered components for each type of semantic tag are as follows:

Supported from version 0.0.12

ChartCategoryAdditional Registered Components
<LineChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel
<AreaChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel, registerTotalLabel
<BarChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel, registerTotalLabel
<Bar3dChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel, registerTotalLabel
<BoxPlotChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel,
<HeatmapChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel
<Histogram3dChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel
<HistogramChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel
<LinearProgressChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel
<RangeColumnChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel
<RangeColumn3dChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel
<ScatterChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel
<SequenceChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel
<WaterfallChart/>Cartesian ChartsregisterLabel, registerTotalLabel
<RadarChart/>Polar ChartsregisterLabel
<RoseChart/>Polar ChartsregisterLabel
<CircularProgressChart/>Polar ChartsregisterLabel, registerIndicator
<Pie3dChart/>General ChartsregisterLabel, registerIndicator
<PieChart/>General ChartsregisterLabel, registerIndicator
<CirclePackingChart/>General ChartsNone
<FunnelChart/>General ChartsregisterLabel
<Funnel3dChart/>General ChartsregisterLabel
<GaugeChart/>General ChartsNone
<MapChart/>General ChartsregisterLabel
<SankeyChart/>General ChartsNone
<SunburstChart/>General ChartsNone
<TreemapChart/>General ChartsNone
<VennChart/>General ChartsNone
<WordCloud3dChart/>General ChartsNone
<WordCloudChart/>General ChartsNone
<LiquidChart/>General ChartsregisterIndicator

For Cartesian charts, the default registered components are as follows:

  • registerCartesianLinearAxis
  • registerCartesianBandAxis
  • registerCartesianTimeAxis
  • registerCartesianLogAxis
  • registerCartesianCrossHair
  • registerBrush
  • registerContinuousLegend
  • registerDataZoom
  • registerDiscreteLegend
  • registerCustomMark
  • registerAllMarks
  • registerMarkArea
  • registerMarkLine
  • registerMarkPoint
  • registerScrollBar
  • registerTitle
  • registerTooltip
  • registerCanvasTooltipHandler

For Polar charts, the default registered components are as follows:

  • registerPolarLinearAxis
  • registerPolarBandAxis
  • registerPolarCrossHair
  • registerBrush
  • registerContinuous Legend
  • registerDataZoom
  • registerDiscreteLegend
  • registerCustomMark
  • registerAllMarks
  • registerScrollBar
  • registerTitle
  • registerTooltip
  • registerCanvasTooltipHandler

For General charts, the default registered components are as follows:

  • registerDiscreteLegend
  • registerContinuousLegend
  • registerCustomMark
  • registerAllMarks
  • registerTitle
  • registerTooltip
  • registerCanvasTooltipHandler

When using semantic tags, if you need components that are not loaded by default, you only need to register the missing components.

[Note]: If there is an error similar to "No matching export in..." when using Lynx, please upgrade the version of Lynx or configure resolve.enable INodeCache to false

For reference on on-demand loading of VChart, see related documentation.